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I have been asked to make music videos for the wonderful school I work (Trinity Primary School, Exeter) and they have kindly agreed that I can share my sessions with anyone who is needing some inspiration for EYFS & KS1 music making. 

Here you will find MUSIC MAKING MONDAYS, WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS & FUNKY FRIDAYS! We will explore the simple elements of music, listening to music and singing & jamming along to music. 

week 1: caribbean




week 1: caribbean



week 2: AFRICA





Let’s go on a trip around the World: this week we are visiting the Pacific Islands.


We are going to be exploring pulse - the steady heartbeat of the music.


First let's make our own Ocean Drum inspired by the ocean sounds of the Pacific.


Next, let's sing along to this call & echo song 'Tongo' - a polynesian song.


Have a go tapping the pusle along to the music.

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Who feels peckish? Let’s make island lollies: Cut bananas in half, pop a lolly stick in, dip in yogurt and roll in desiccated coconut then freeze.


Let’s chill out. Get in a cosy corner of your house or garden, find a map/globe and look at where the Pacific Islands are. Can you count them? What sort of animals live there?


Now let’s listen to some music from the Pacific islands.


  1. John Cruz, Jack Johnson & Friends - Did you know Jack Johnson is from Hawaii and sings many great songs. You may have heard him before. Did you know he wrote the Curious George songs? Here is a collaboration with friends singing an island style song - maybe we could sing our own new court style song one day!

  2.  Lava Song - this is a really sweet animation about love and friendship. Watch to the end for a happy end!

  3. Jake Shimabukuro - now here is an absolutely awesome ukulele player! Ukulele music is very common in Hawaii especially. You will be amazed by his playing. Shall we work hard on our ukulele skills when we get back and get as good as him!



Whoop whoop we made it to another Friday! Let’s celebrate our Pacific Island adventure with some songs. You can grab some instruments, body percussion or your voice and have a boogie and sing with me.


Warm up today is Choon Baboon

We will be singing some Island Style Songs!


Upside Down by Jack Johnson (Hawaii) & Little Birdy (Somoa).

To continue the party on YouTube or Spotify listening to Putumayo Pacific Islands

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