I have been asked to make music videos for the wonderful school I work (Trinity Primary School, Exeter) and they have kindly agreed that I can share my sessions with anyone who is needing some inspiration for EYFS & KS1 music making.
Here you will find MUSIC MAKING MONDAYS, WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS & FUNKY FRIDAYS! We will explore the simple elements of music, listening to music and singing & jamming along to music. So let's start with Week 1: Caribbean...
Let’s go on a trip around the World: this week we are visiting the Africa.
We are going to be exploring pitch - how high or low the notes/sounds are in a melody/tune.
Do you have a xylophone? No- then not a problem, let’s make our own!
Have fun with the video making your own water xylophone, exploring what pitch is and creating your own melodies walking up and down the stairs. And keep an eye out for a pesky visitor!
You could make up your own call & response patterns and even introduce new instruments around the house! Have fun! I did!

Continuing on our journey in Africa we are going to listen to some traditional songs from the Africa and some inspired by Africa songs.
Song 1: Africa by ToTo (violin/cello/bass cover) by Simply Three https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QHX7Q9rfno
This is a beautiful cover version of the song called Africa first composed by American Rock Band Toto in 1981. It is said to be about a mans love of the continent of Africa.
Song 2: Oleo: a beautiful Ghanaian song with a simple structure and rich textures.
Can you sing a long at all to this Call & Response song? Split the parts and have one person as the caller and one has the response.
(Call) Oleo
(Response) Oleo
(Call) Oleo
(Response) Oleo
(Call) Oh liyee liyee lay oh la la
(Response) Oh liyee liyee lay oh la la
(Call) Oh la
(Response) Oh la la
(Call) Oh la
(Response) Oh la la
If you want to continue listening here’s a beautiful playlist of relaxing african songs called African Dreamland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fu52mRD7108
Whoop whoop we made it to another Friday! Let’s celebrate our African adventure with some songs. You can grab some instruments, body percussion or your voice and have a boogie and sing with me.
Warm up today is Rubber Chicken and the songs we will sing are;
Kye Kye Kule
To continue the party on YouTube or Spotify listening to PUTUMAYO KIDS AFRICAN PARTY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bluehC5Vga4