I have been asked to make music videos for the wonderful school I work (Trinity Primary School, Exeter) and they have kindly agreed that I can share my sessions with anyone who is needing some inspiration for EYFS & KS1 music making.
Here you will find MUSIC MAKING MONDAYS, WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS & FUNKY FRIDAYS! We will explore the simple elements of music, listening to music and singing & jamming along to music.
Let’s go on a trip around the World: this week we are in Brazil! We are going to be exploring dynamics - loud and quiet sounds.
Can you find objects or instruments around the house that make loud and quiet sounds?
Can you make sounds like the animals, waterfalls or trees and plants of the rainforest?
Have fun with the video exploring your own loud and quiet patterns and then play along to this Brazilian inspired Song from the children’s film RIO set in Brazil. ‘What Is Love” by Jangle Monae https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuX3Td_AHz0
Extension: There is a Samba inspired song on Sing Up At Home called Big Sing Up Mambo.

Continuing on our journey in Brazil we are going to listen to some traditional songs from Brazil.
Song 1: this first song is called A Canoa. It is a traditional song sung by Brazilian children about being the captain of a canoe (and flipping it over getting wet in the water!)
I have played the song on my guitar and sung in English but here is the portuguese version.
Song 2: this is a beautiful song called Hey Dumba which is found on the FREE sing up at home site. It is a beautiful traditional song from Brazil about the sound of the water in the Amazon Rainforest.
Invite your child to listen and explore;
How does it make them feel?
Do they like it or dislike the music and why?
What instruments they can hear?
Can they draw a picture inspired by the music?
Whoop whoop we made it to another Friday! Let’s celebrate our Brazilian adventure with some songs. You can grab some instruments, body percussion or your voice and have a boogie and sing with me.
Warm up today is Boom Chicka Boom and the Song is Sunshine in My Heart.
To contue the party check out the RIO 1 & 2 soundtracks on YouTube or Spotify or enjoy your own music.